(Updated September, 2016) Most of the Android users must be well aware of already popular and smart personal assistant from Google namely Google Now. One of the coolest features that Android Kitkat has to offer its users is the Google Now voice commands. Working constantly on its new commands, Google keeps on updating this feature in order to make it more useful for Android smartphone owners.
Now the question arises, whether these voice commands are merely to attract more and more Android users or does it really lend a helping hand in the real lives. Well, when we threw light and researched on the real life scenarios of existing Android users, we at Techiesense realized that Now voice commands are greatly helpful for the users on the go. Let us throw light on how is this feature great indeed:
If you are at a place where typing is not that easy like a kitchen, office or may be just while walking on the road, if you want to convert currencies, measurement units etc. nothing can be as easy as simply telling it to Google and get the results within seconds. Yes, this is possible with voice commands.
If typing long phrases is not your cup of tea and you want watch a video on ‘how-to’, you can simply tell it to Google and it will show you only video results in no time.
Certain dedicated phrases are simple to learn and easy to speak rather than typing. And this is how the whole thing works.
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Infographic by trendblog.net
I am sure that many of you must have already started wondering and must be eager to use these commands. So, here the wait ends with this wonderful infographic by TrendBlog highlighting 70+ Google Now Voice Commands for you to try out.