It’s Halloween Time in the US this evening!
All around the country there are kids (and adults) getting ready to celebrate this fun and *S*P*O*O*K*Y* holiday by dressing up in all kinds of costumes and celebrating. For some it will be by going to a party, for others it will be going “trick or treating” around their neighborhood and town. The end goal? To scare some people and collect a bag full of treasures. Treasure in this instance is usually candy of all types and kinds. Some examples are in the bowl below.
Now, since this is a techie blog and we talk tech, I thought that I’d see what kind of Halloween ghosts and goblins exist in a techie vein. So, checking out a few places for the best Halloween gear, here’s what I came up with:
Star Trek:
Ok, this world wide phenom has it’s die hard fans and a good techie costume would be any one of a MILLION characters or costumes from that series. Here’s just one of a ton of options that you’ll see out tonight on “fright night”.
This is one of a TON of anime characters and gamers that make for great Halloween costumes. Take your pick from just about any character or game and you are sure to have several great options to go with on Halloween, just choose one though!
Here’s one idea that we saw floating around cyberspace:
Here’s where we’re going to mix things up a bit! These guys have been around for years and they sure qualify as techie. How many talking turtles wielding guns and nunchucks do you know? What I like about this option is that it works for girls or guys which makes it far more versatile. And bottom, line it’s a fun group costume that anyone and everyone can enjoy. Definitely one of my favorite to see around.
When it comes to classic techies, there’s no one better to look towards than the super heroes and villains for costumes. There’s always a ton of options for everyone. Now we checked out this options for pets and LOVED what we found. Yes, people in the US are CRAZY fools when it comes to their pets and you’ll see them decked out in all kinds of things every holiday. So whether you are four legged or two legged a super hero costume is a sure thing on Halloween.
I could keep on going with great Halloween costumes, ideas and themes but I gotta get offline and get my costume on! Now if I can just find all the pieces to it……
Happy Halloween!