Look, we know that it’s hard for you to get excited about flashlight apps. It’s true, it’s just an app. But then it turns on the LED flash on your phone and makes it all bright and nice for you–especially if you happen to be walking alone through a dark alley; finding your way up to the 9th floor when your building is reeling under a power cut; or simply finding your way around the room when your precious angel is sleeping. These Android flashlight apps make you see in the dark. And that’s more than enough!
Think again. These apps makes you look through the dark in places where electricity blackouts tend to be a daily—and sometimes hourly– occurrence that makes fast access to a flashlight or torch a necessity, not just a fancy app. Flashlights come to the rescue during darkness and emergencies. In addition, you can also lighten up any part of your home, workplace or party with these amazing Android flashlight apps.
Read on to know more about the best flashlight apps that promise to make your Android device all the more useful!
Tiny Flashlight + LED – Free
This app uses the device’s camera flashlight as the torch. There is an option of adjusting the colour and brightness of the light as required. You also get a blinking function along with a Morse Code functionality. The controls are simple and the overall power consumption and memory used is very less.
Disco Light – Free
This app is perfect for a party setting. You get six kinds of flashlights and it acts like an equalizer by adjusting the brightness and timing of the light based on the surroundings. There are seven exciting modes for you to choose from.
Colour Flashlight – Free
With this app, you can turn your phone into a bright torch. There are different modes available. You can change the colour and brightness too. There are various effects like police light, candle light, disco ball, etc.
Brightest Flashlight – Free
This app gives you really bright light. It can be used as keyboard backlight, notification light or as a camera flash, where the light intensity can be used at maximum. It turns on all the available lights on the device and there are audio effects on start and stop. You can use this app in very dark conditions due to the brightness of the light.
It appropriately serves to be one of the best Android flashlight apps in 2014 –and in many more ways than one!
Tesla LED flashlight – Free
This is one of the best LED flashlights available. It uses the camera flash as the flashlight. You can make its widget for easy accessibility. There are different effects and flashlight modes. It’s a highly configurable app. The effects and features can be personalized.
Flashlight LED Genius – Free
You can activate this flashlight app just by shaking your phone. The light can be through camera flash or the screen. You can configure the colours of the lighting and it doesn’t consume too much battery too.
Flashlight HD LED – Free
This app has the brightest and most powerful light. It’s very easy to install and you can easily access it through a widget. You can use the flashlight through your camera’s flash or its screen. You can get very bright light by just pressing on one button. It works on different Android devices and is a “must-have” indeed!
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High Powered Torch – Free
This app is really bright and fast. This is the only flashlight that comes with a compass and guides you as you go about in the darkness. This feature makes it perfect for outdoor use, like camping. This app has a strobe mode with 10 different frequencies as well as a very intuitive and elegant design.
LED Light – Free
This popular Android pp uses the camera’s flash as its flashlight. It brightens the camera screen as well. It is compatible with Android 1.6 and the versions following it. It can be used as a widget too.
Brightest LED Flashlight – Free
As the name suggests, this has the brightest flashlight that is available among all the Android flashlights. It has a very elegant design and the start-up time is really short too. There is a strobe mode along with a sensitive frequency controller. It uses the camera’s flash and supports all Android devices.
Way Forward in the Dark
Now, your phone will help you find you way in the darkness, literally. The next time you get stuck in the dark, don’t reach out for a candle or a torch-light. Instead, reach out for that smart-phone in your pocket and let the brightest Android flashlight apps guide you.
All the best!